Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Super-resolution microscopy of mitochondrial mRNAs(Open Access) Stoldt S, Maass F, (...), Jakobs SbioRxiv2025
RNA promotes synapsin coacervation and modulates local translation(Open Access) Rankovic B, Geisterfer ZM, (...), Milovanovic DbioRxiv2025
Regulation of Zbp1 by miR-99b-5p in microglia controls the development of schizophrenia-like symptoms in mice(Open Access) Kaurani L, Islam MR, (...), Fischer AEMBO Journal2024
Gender-Specific Effects on the Cardiorespiratory System and Neurotoxicity of Intermittent and Permanent Low-Level Lead Exposures(Open Access) Shvachiy L, Amaro-Leal A, Machado F, Rocha I, Outeiro TF, Geraldes VBiomedicines2024
Author Correction: Mechanisms of simultaneous linear and nonlinear computations at the mammalian cone photoreceptor synapse(Open Access) Grabner CP, Futagi D, (...), DeVries SHNature Communications2024
Spatial proteomics in neurons at single-protein resolution(Open Access) Unterauer EM, Shetab Boushehri S, (...), Jungmann RCell2024
Membrane fission via transmembrane contact(Open Access) Spencer RKW, Santos-Pérez I, Rodríguez-Renovales I, Martinez Galvez JM, Shnyrova AV, Müller MNature Communications2024
Complexin has a dual synaptic function as checkpoint protein in vesicle priming and as a promoter of vesicle fusion(Open Access) López-Murcia FJ, Lin K, (...), Taschenberger HProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2024
α-Synuclein triggers cofilin pathology and dendritic spine impairment via a PrPC-CCR5 dependent pathway(Open Access) Oliveira da Silva MI, Santejo M, (...), Liz MACell Death & Disease2024
Three-dimensional multi-target super-resolution microscopy of cells using Metal-Induced Energy Transfer and DNA-PAINT(Open Access) Oleksiievets N, Mougios N, (...), Tsukanov RbioRxiv2024