Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthors ▴JournalPublication year
Integrative Analysis of miRNA Expression Profiles Reveals Distinct and Common Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Broad Diagnostic Groups of Severe Mental Disorders(Open Access) Poschmann J, Solomon P, (...), Heilbronner UResearchsquare2024
Small molecule inhibits α-synuclein aggregation, disrupts amyloid fibrils, and prevents degeneration of dopaminergic neurons(Open Access) Pujols J, Peña-Díaz S, (...), Ventura SProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2018
A Versatile Synaptotagmin‐1 Nanobody Provides Perturbation‐Free Live Synaptic Imaging And Low Linkage‐Error in Super‐Resolution Microscopy(Open Access) Queiroz Zetune Villa Real K, Mougios N, (...), Opazo FSmall Methods2023
Sulthiame impairs mitochondrial function in vitro and may trigger onset of visual loss in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy(Open Access) Reinert M, Pacheu-Grau D, (...), Brockmann KOrphanet Journal of Rare Diseases2021
Interrogating Synaptic Architecture: Approaches for Labeling Organelles and Cytoskeleton Components(Open Access) Reshetniak S, Rizzoli SOFrontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience2019
A comparative analysis of the mobility of 45 proteins in the synaptic bouton(Open Access) Reshetniak S, Ußling J, (...), Rizzoli SOEMBO Journal2020
Quantitative Synaptic Biology: A Perspective on Techniques, Numbers and Expectations(Open Access) Reshetniak S, Fernández-Busnadiego R, Müller M, Rizzoli SO, Tetzlaff CInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2020
The vesicle cluster as a major organizer of synaptic composition in the short-term and long-term(Open Access) Reshetniak S, Rizzoli SOCurrent Opinion in Cell Biology2021
Near-optimal information relay by the neuronal population of layer 4 barrel cortex(Open Access) Revah O, Wolf F, Gutnick MJ, Neef AbioRxiv2024
Tunable Synaptic Working Memory with Volatile Memristive Devices(Open Access) Ricci S, Kappel D, Tetzlaff C, Ielmini D, Covi EarXiv2023