Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournal ▴Publication year
The Synaptic Extracellular Matrix: Long-Lived, Stable, and Still Remarkably Dynamic(Open Access) Dankovich TM, Rizzoli SOFrontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience2022
Bias-invariant RNA-sequencing metadata annotation(Open Access) Wartmann H, Heins S, Kloiber K, Bonn SGigascience2021
A 2A R‐induced transcriptional deregulation in astrocytes: An in vitro studyPaiva I, Carvalho K, (...), Blum DGlia2019
Focused ion beam‐scanning electron microscopy links pathological myelin outfoldings to axonal changes in mice lacking Plp1 or Mag(Open Access) Steyer AM, Buscham TJ, (...), Werner HBGlia2022
GMDS2021 ePoster and video teaser for DOI 10.3205/21gmds072(Open Access) Kusch H, Bauer CR, (...), Sax UGöttingen Research Online / Data2021
Nuclear localization and phosphorylation modulate pathological effects of alpha-synuclein(Open Access) Pinho R, PaivaI , (...), Outeiro TFHuman Molecular Genetics2018
Alpha-synuclein overexpression induces epigenomic dysregulation of glutamate signaling and locomotor pathways(Open Access) Schaffner SL, Wassouf Z, (...), Kobor MSHuman Molecular Genetics2022
Nanomachinery Organizing Release at Neuronal and Ribbon Synapses(Open Access) Chakrabarti R, Wichmann CInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2019
The Role of Alpha-Synuclein and Other Parkinson’s Genes in Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Disorders(Open Access) Morato Torres CA, Wassouf Z, Zafar F, Sastre D, Outeiro TF, Schüle BInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2020
Quantitative Synaptic Biology: A Perspective on Techniques, Numbers and Expectations(Open Access) Reshetniak S, Fernández-Busnadiego R, Müller M, Rizzoli SO, Tetzlaff CInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2020