Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Synucleinopathies: Where we are and where we need to go(Open Access) Brás IC, Dominguez‐Meijide A, (...), Outeiro TFJournal of Neurochemistry2020
Optimizing Nervous System-Specific Gene Targeting with Cre Driver Lines: Prevalence of Germline Recombination and Influencing FactorsLuo L, Ambrozkiewicz MC, (...), Craig AMNeuron2020
Light Microscopy of Mitochondria at the NanoscaleJakobs S, Stephan T, Ilgen P, Brüser CAnnual Review of Biophysics2020
Ultrastructural Correlates of Presynaptic Functional Heterogeneity in Hippocampal Synapses(Open Access) Maus L, Lee C, (...), Cooper BHCell Reports2020
Protein trapping leads to altered synaptic proteostasis in synucleinopathies(Open Access) Santos PI, Outeiro TFThe FEBS Journal2020
X1INH, an improved next-generation affinity-optimized hydrazonic ligand, attenuates abnormal copper(i)/copper(ii)-α-Syn interactions and affects protein aggregation in a cellular model of synucleinopathyCukierman DS, Lázaro DF, (...), Rey NADalton Transactions2020
Tipping the Scales: Peptide-Dependent Dysregulation of Neural Circuit Dynamics in Alzheimer’s DiseaseHarris SS, Wolf F, De Strooper B, Busche MANeuron2020
A comparative analysis of the mobility of 45 proteins in the synaptic bouton(Open Access) Reshetniak S, Ußling J, (...), Rizzoli SOEMBO Journal2020
The Role of Alpha-Synuclein And Other Parkinson’s Genes in Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Disorders(Open Access) Morato Torres CA, Wassouf Z, Zafar F, Sastre D, Outeiro TF, Schüle BPreprints2020
Developmental GABA polarity switch and neuronal plasticity in Bioengineered Neuronal Organoids(Open Access) Zafeiriou M, Bao G, (...), Zimmermann WNature Communications2020