Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year ▴
The Role of Alpha-Synuclein and Other Parkinson’s Genes in Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Disorders(Open Access) Morato Torres CA, Wassouf Z, Zafar F, Sastre D, Outeiro TF, Schüle BInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2020
Quantitative Synaptic Biology: A Perspective on Techniques, Numbers and Expectations(Open Access) Reshetniak S, Fernández-Busnadiego R, Müller M, Rizzoli SO, Tetzlaff CInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2020
Doxycycline inhibits α-synuclein-associated pathologies in vitro and in vivo(Open Access) Dominguez-Meijide A, Parrales V, (...), Outeiro TFbioRxiv2020
Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R(Open Access) Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, (...), Rizzoli SObioRxiv2020
Alpha-Synuclein Antibody Characterization: Why Semantics Matters(Open Access) Outeiro TFMolecular Neurobiology2021
Non-negative Matrix Factorization as a Tool to Distinguish Between Synaptic Vesicles in Different Functional StatesNeher E, Taschenberger HNeuroscience2021
Exploring early time points of vimentin assembly in flow by fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopyPerego E, Köster SLab on a Chip2021
NanoSIMS observations of mouse retinal cells reveal strict metabolic controls on nitrogen turnover(Open Access) Bonnin EA, Fornasiero EF, Lange F, Turck CW, Rizzoli SOBMC Molecular and Cell Biology2021
Challenges facing quantitative large-scale optical super-resolution, and some simple solutions(Open Access) Dankovich TM, Rizzoli SOiScience2021
Intranuclear immunostaining-based FACS protocol from embryonic cortical tissue(Open Access) Sakib MS, Sokpor G, Nguyen HP, Fischer A, Tuoc TSTAR Protocols2021