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Working Groups RG Bonn
Open AccessOpen Access Yes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Peer ReviewedUnknown
PMIDPubMed ID 31393866
DOIDOI 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000374
Publication Year2019
TitleTagger—A Swiss army knife for multiomics to dissect cell type–specific mechanisms of gene expression in mice Wikidata
JournalPLOS Biology
Journal AbbreviationPLoS Biol
AuthorsKaczmarczyk L, Bansal V, Rajput A, Rahman R, Krzyżak W, Degen J, Poll S, Fuhrmann M, Bonn S, Jackson WS
First AuthorKaczmarczyk L
Last AuthorJackson WS
ScholiaScholia Wikidata-based representation at Scholia

 External Resources

 10822  Addgene identifier (10822, reused)

 22797  Addgene identifier (22797, reused)

 22687  Addgene identifier (22687, reused)

 42335  Addgene identifier (42335, reused)

 129396  Addgene identifier (129396)

 journals...ntable  Article fulltext

 gro-2/113219  GRO.publications identifier

 GSE123422  NCBI GEO Dataset (GSE123422)

 9606  NCBI taxonomy (human, Homo sapiens)

 10090  NCBI Taxonomy (mouse, Mus musculus)

 0000-0002-0944-7226  ORCID identifier (Vikas Bansal)

 0000-0002-6741-8861  ORCID identifier (Ashish Rajput)

 0000-0002-7019-5486  ORCID identifier (Raza-Ur Rahman)

 0000-0003-1510-8754  ORCID identifier (Joachim Degen)

 0000-0001-5301-2791  ORCID identifier (Stefanie Poll)

 0000-0003-4366-5662  ORCID Identifier (Stefan Bonn)

 0000-0002-3003-5509  ORCID identifier (Walker Scot Jackson)

 01zgy1s35  ROR identifier (01zgy1s35, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf)

 043j0f473  ROR identifier (043j0f473, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases)

 SCR_003070  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_003070, ImageJ)

 SCR_014583  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_014583, FastQC)

 SCR_015687  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_015687, DESeq2)

 ndownloa...ions/1  Supplemental material (all - Figshare)

 10.1371/...4.s002  Supplemental material (Figure)

 10.1371/...4.s001  Supplemental material (Figure)

 10.1371/...4.s003  Supplemental material (Figure)

 10.1371/...4.s004  Supplemental material (Figure)

 10.1371/...4.s005  Supplemental material (Figure)

 10.1371/...4.s006  Supplemental material (Figure)

 10.1371/...4.s007  Supplemental material (Table)

 10.1371/...4.s008  Supplemental material (Table)

 10.1371/...4.s009  Supplemental material (Table)

 10.1371/...4.s010  Supplemental material (Table)

 10.1371/...4.s011  Supplemental material (Video)

 10.1371/...4.s012  Supplemental material (Table)

 Q92498001  Wikidata ID

Linked Antibodies

PIDAGTypeAntigen symbolAntibody Registry IDName
umg-sfb1286-antibody-primary-200primaryAB_10676056Anti-V5 tag antibody
umg-sfb1286-antibody-primary-201primaryRPS6AB_2238583S6 Ribosomal Protein (54D2) Mouse mAb
umg-sfb1286-antibody-primary-202primaryAGO2AB_2277660Ago2/eIF2C2 Antibody
umg-sfb1286-antibody-primary-203primaryACTBAB_476697Monoclonal Anti-β-Actin antibody produced in mouse
umg-sfb1286-antibody-primary-204primaryAB_10563941RFP Polyclonal Antibody
umg-sfb1286-antibody-primary-205primaryAB_2556564V5 Tag Monoclonal Antibody